Global Settlement

Global Settlement What is the global settlement? The Global Settlement is a post-quake deal between the Crown and Christchurch City council, laying out the ownership of public assets built or acquired by the Crown and council post-earthquake. Included in the agreement is the transfer of ownership from the Crown to Council of the Bus exchange, …

Seeking/Ararapu Matariki In the Zone 2022

Seeking/Ararapu Matariki in the Zone 2022 What did we do? In 2022 due to COVID-19, we decided early on not to do our usual big event but a smaller week-long, more natural lighting display. Each star is situated around Avebury Park and the Richmond Community Garden, with each organisation working with their local community and …


Waitākiri Sanctuary What is Waitākiri Sanctuary? Waitākiri Sanctuary would be a fenced ecologically-restored enclosure. Free of introduced predators and pests. For the reintroduction and conservation of native species that have been lost from the locality.  A mix of wetland and lowland habitats encompassing Travis Wetland and the west Burwood residential red zone, 150ha area, 8km …


Co-governance What is co-governance? The term co-governance with relation to the former Residential Red Zone refers to Treaty partnerships in governance between the mana whenua, the groups that hold rangatiratanga over the place, and community (Council). AvON have advocated for co-governance of the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor since our formation in 2012. Over the years …

Riverbend Refuge

Riverbend Refuge What is Riverbend Refuge? In response to the unprecedented opportunity to restore native riparian habitat throughout the proposed ‘Green Spine’, between 2018-2019 the Avon-Ōtākaro Network worked on ‘Riverbend Refuge’ in collaboration with Greening the Rubble, The Green Lab, Working Waters Trust, Richmond Community Garden Wood Ltd., and Enviroschools Waitaha Canterbury. The project aims …

Spring River Festival 2013

Spring River Festival 2013 Spring River Festival a Hit Opened by newly-elected Mayor Lianne Dalziel at Kerr’s Reach, the 2013 Spring River Festival was attended by over 3000 attendees, almost double the number from 2012. The festival followed the journey of a specially carved festival waka from the city early in the morning to New …

Mahinga Kai applied to a new planting area

Mahinga Kai

Mahinga Kai What is Mahinga Kai? Mahinga Kai is a strong value of our local Mana Whenua, Ngāi Tūāhuriri. In short meaning to both use and protect our local resources, through working as a community, educating and protecting our local environment. Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Ngāi Tūāhuriri, the Avon Ōtākaro Network and the Canterbury …

Waitākiri Sanctuary

Waitākiri Sanctuary What is Waitākiri Sanctuary? Waitākiri Sanctuary would be a fenced ecologically-restored enclosure, free of introduced predators and pests for the reintroduction and conservation of native species that have been lost from the locality. A mix of wetland and lowland habitats encompassing Travis Wetland and the west Burwood residential red zone, with a 150ha …

Adventure Ave

Adventure Ave What is this Place? Adventure Ave is an environmentally friendly space designed by kids, for imaginations to run wild and enjoy quality family time together. This initiative is the brainchild of the “Red Zone Action Team” a group of Banks Ave Primary School children. Through working away on the project for over a …