Our Network


The AvON network includes many different interest groups that share the vision for an Avon river park, as set out in AvON’s charter.
You can become a member of the Avon-Ōtākaro Network as an individual or as part of a group. We meet every quarter in a forum, which all our members can attend.
Our strategic steering group provides overall leadership. This group is the ‘guardian’ of AvON’s vision and is responsible for bringing the different projects into a strategic plan.
We also have groups of members who share a common interest. These groups help set up or carry out projects within their particular area of interest. Member organisations manage the projects. However, one project, the Mahinga Kai Project, is considered so key and central to the AvON Vision that the SSG plays a key role in leading the implementation of the project in partnership with Te Rūnunga o Ngāi Tahu.
If you would like to join the network, please get in touch.


We couldn’t do it without you!

AvON is made up of a wide variety of organisations and individual members. These groups and organisations have all endorsed AvON’s charter and support our vision. Your organisation can also become a supporter by contacting us at avonotakaro@gmail.com

To become an individual member of AvON, just complete this simple online form.

Supporting organisations who have endorsed Our Charter or form our Network include: