Seeking/Ararapu Matariki in the Zone 2022

What did we do?
In 2022 due to COVID-19, we decided early on not to do our usual big event but a smaller week-long, more natural lighting display.
Each star is situated around Avebury Park and the Richmond Community Garden, with each organisation working with their local community and volunteers to create a work of art that can be seen night and day to learn about the meaning of each star.
If you look down on the site from above, the stars are located in the correct position that they are in the sky.
We will be back in 2023 alongside Avebury House, Richmond Community Garden, and We Are Richmond to redo this display bigger and better, as well as lay down our hāngī to break our record of feeding 500 people.

Site Map

Stars for people to write their dreams

We Are Richmond

Jens Stars

Dallas with his birds
