Our Current Strategy 2021-2024

“Toitū te marae a Tāne, toitū te marae a Tangaroa, toitū te iwi.”
When the land and water are sustained, the people will prosper.
Our Vision:
A multipurpose City-to-sea river park that meets diverse community needs WITH maximum possible restoration of indigenous ecosystems.
Our Strategic Objectives:
- Future Governance of the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor (OARC) that supports the vision.
- People, both locally and beyond, are connected with the ŌARC as a whole.
- Organisational sustainability.
To create a focal place of hope, identity and inspiration for the people of Ōtautahi-Christchurch and visitors, by restoring health, vitality, and meaning to our river and its lands.
- Acknowledging the profound connections mana whenua and tangata whenua have with the ŌARC, their traditional knowledge and aspirations for its future.
- Ensuring diverse community voices, interests and expertise contribute to and benefit from the implementation of the ŌARC Regeneration Plan.
- Facilitating a healthy balance between people and nature that connects local communities and iwi to their thriving, rich, and bountiful indigenous ecosystems.
- Taking the time to understand what the river and the lands are telling us: its cultural, social, and ecological narratives.
- Retaining the overarching perspectives of the karoro- making sure all the pieces are in place and the big picture makes sense.
What We Want to Achieve
1.1 Interim governance that holds to the integrity of the ŌARC Regeneration Plan whilst building momentum and accelerating the activation of the ŌARC.
1.2 A long-term governance model that embodies kaitiakitanga of the vision, values and objectives of the ŌARC Regeneration Plan, and that protects the integrity of the ŌARC in perpetuity.
2.1 Communities, agencies, proponents and other key players in the ŌARC work together to implement the ŌARC Regeneration Plan in an integrated way to ensure both nature and people have a place to thrive and connect with the land and river and the integrity of the ŌARC is maintained.
2.2 The culture, heritage, values, and aspirations of diverse communities of place, identity and interest are acknowledged and have genuine input into the implementation of the ŌARC Regeneration Plan.
3.1 Communities are connected with our work and the implementation of the Regeneration Plan.
3.2 Our organisation is fit for purpose.
3.3 Funded sustainably while maintaining our independence.
Our Full Strategic plan can be viewed below: