Global Settlement

What is the global settlement?
The Global Settlement is a post-quake deal between the Crown and Christchurch City council, laying out the ownership of public assets built or acquired by the Crown and council post-earthquake.
Included in the agreement is the transfer of ownership from the Crown to Council of the Bus exchange, the Metro Sports facility, Margaret Mahy Playground, land for the performing arts precinct, the Avon precinct through the central city and roading assets. There is funding to deliver and maintain the stadium as well as the 600 hectares of Red Zone.

Te Pae in Construction Phase: Photo Iain McGregor/Stuff

Map developed by Regenerate Christchurch on the proposed landuses

What does the Global Settlement mean for Christchurch?
With the Crown handing over the Residential Red Zone (RRZ) land to the Council, this land may be used to help the surrounding green zone areas such as with its land drainage requirements.
The Crown will reconfigure the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor land prior to the settlement based on concept plans provided by the Council, which may cause road stopping in Brooklands and Southshore.
It also calls for increased community involvement in the decision-making and governance of the Residential Red Zone land in a phased approach:
Phase 1: Council and Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) will create a consultative group with stakeholders and community representatives to advise on transitional land use while the Crown still owns the land. This group will have a strategic role in evaluating applications for the use of land, and providing feedback. LINZ maintains ultimate responsibility.
Phase 2: A community governance group with delegated decision-making abilities may be established once the Council owns all or a substantial amount of RRZ land.
Regarding funding, the Council funds the consultative and community governance groups while the Crown funds the costs of receiving and considering transitional use of crown-owned land and reconfiguration of land.