Deputations and Submissions

What is a Deputation or submission?
Part of any functioning democracy is that anyone can make a submission and/or deputation to both our local councils and central select committees. Over the years, representatives from AvON have made many submissions on matters relating to the OARC, including getting the petition up to parliament to start the ball rolling on the Regeneration Plan, setting aside funding and resources for transitional uses, and having a say on the Global settlement and advocating for co-governance.
Without groups and individuals like us advocating for the Red Zone to become a restoration project, goodness knows what may have happened to the land.

Check out some of our deputations?

How can you get involved?
Although we have come a long way in securing the land for restoration, establishing a co-governance group and funding the Long Term Plan for the work, we must keep advocating to ensure the vision is held and the people that gave up their homes for this to happen are respected.
If you would like to go on our mailing list to be kept informed of opportunities to have your say, email us at or fill out our form HERE.