Corridor Wide
Over the years we have advocated and helped implement a number of corridor wide initiatives designed to entice more people back into the Residential Red Zone. Whether this be for recreational events, as a transport corridor or just to be with nature.
These initiatives involve us working closely with the Christchurch City Council to complete the Te Ara Trail. We have removed internal posts and installed road side white posts for better access and to ensure as many trees as possible were saved in the demolition of the houses. Reinstating the street names and a number of other initiatives that are still underway.
Time Line of Projects
- Participated in River of Flowers, WSP Working Bee, Student Volunteer Army Big Give, GROW Ōtautahi Christchurch Garden Festival, Avebury Gala, Meet in the Middle (Walking Festival and Biketober), Mother of all Cleanups, Matariki in the Zone.
- Continued our removal of internal fences and white post entrances.
- Signed along with 250 others the Waterways Partnership Charter, an initiative that Evan Smith had spearheaded.
- Work began on the long awaited foot bridges funded by the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust.
- White post openings put in place as well as the removal of internal fences to provide better access to all and reduce the need for sprayers.
- Participated in River of Flowers, Mother of all Clean Ups, Duck Down to the River, Avebury Gala, Matariki in the Zone, Christchurch Urban Restoration Workshop, Meet in the Middle and Walking Festival.
- Data collected from the Mother of All Clean ups 2017 resulted in the booms being returned to the river. Organising committee for 2018 Mother of all Clean Ups.
- Attended and supported the Walk for Dementia, Red Zone 6, World Fish Migration Day, Children’s Day, the Walking Festival, Red Zone Stories and many, many planting days.
- Te Ara Ōtākaro Avon Trail completed.
- Conducted the Red Zone Census and published the results
- Delivered a very successful Meet in the Middle event at Kerrs Reach with Tiki Taane headlining and over 5000 attendees.
- Support gained from Regenerate Christchurch, CCC and City Care Ltd to progress the transitional stop bank cycle/walkway from city to sea. $50k grant from MSD.
- Contributed to the Transitional Wayfinding project.
- Red Zone Treks – public walk and talks through the red zone for Breeze Walking Festival.
- Agreement of retention methodology for existing vegetation (native and significant exotics, including fruit trees, protected and retained).
- Successfully negotiated the setting aside of $15M CEAT funding for the implementation of future red zone projects that connect communities from city to sea. This fund resourced the build of 3 bridges and the Dallington Landing.
Te Ara Trail